Instruction and trainings
for printing companies | Print Performance Plus
Why Print Performance Plus
can help you.
What is included in the IPM – Print Performance Plus concept?
The IPM experts firstly deliver valuable knowledge about printing presses to your employees. More and more process steps are being taken care of within the machine in an automated manner, however even today, higher quality is not simply achieved with the press of a button. Auxiliary equipment such as inline measuring devices and control units make life simpler, however they require specialist expertise and coordinated processes.
The IPM experts will also analyse how the work is organised and provide tips on how your employees can make life easier for themselves, or have a positive influence on the overall results by changing a process around.
What are common sources of failure?
Often, it is simply small things, but together they can have serious effects on quality and speed.The right sequence of the process steps and the best possible utilisation of the machines’ potential can have a significant impact on a printing company’s productivity.
However they are often overlooked as factors in everyday operation. IPM production assistance highlights efficiency losses and uncovers potential. This helps you to avoid complaints, reduce paper waste and shorten the setup times to an optimum.
The machine and the process are technically OK.
Yet is a lot of productivity in handling remaining on the sidelines?
The machine and the process are technically OK. Yet is a lot of productivity in handling remaining on the sidelines? The IPM training and production assistance service helps you to make maximum use of your technological potential.
First, the IPM experts will get an idea of your production processes with an on-site visit. After just a short time, you will see which process steps can be optimised with more efficient procedures and suitable machine settings. Based on this information, a concept is drawn up.
At a joint meeting, we will explain the scope and duration of the IPM production support service. Generally speaking, we recommend two to three days. This primarily depends on which products are produced on the machines. In more than 80% of cases, the processes were optimised significantly during this time and the degree of knowledge required was established. The other 20% involved such individual and complex situations that they, in some cases, were supported for several weeks.
A recommendation is then made for how you and your employees can have a positive influence on the overall process long-term too through a more efficient way of working.
Do you want to be better? Even if your company is already in the premier league?
Then talk to us! We would be delighted to introduce you to our portfolio of services, as well as our practical approach to this topic, in a personal, free consultation.
Towards success, step by step:

Optimising process steps
In every company there are steps that are implemented without the right amount of care and attention that should ideally be paid. This may be due either to staff being unaware of the impacts that even small mistakes can have on the overall process, or perhaps due to unawareness of how the process could be optimised. Often, it is only small, minor processes that are barely noticeable in everyday operations but which, when taken together, can cause significant time to be lost and paper waste to be generated.
With the IPM training and production assistance service, you can make your processes more efficient and identify potential for optimisation
Harnessing machine potential
Employees often have no-one to turn to when they have questions. They only receive a short induction course when the machine is being installed. Often, employees therefore do not optimise the machine further, and instead use only the settings predefined by the manufacturer. This is not enough with complex systems to get the best out of them. Production operations nowadays are also so customised that even the best presets that are stored in the machine do not suit every output process. Often, even less than 70% of the machine’s actual capabilities are actually being used.
With the IPM production assistance service, you maximise your machine’s performance.

Establishing expertise
20% to 30% of the assistance systems within the machine are not used. To a certain degree, operators do not even know that certain assistance systems are even available. As a result, the company loses a lot of performance that cost a lot of money to buy. More expertise contributes to an improvement in speed and quality, as well as a reduction in paper waste.
With the IPM production assistance service, you gain machine performance.
Motivating employees
The fact that the framework conditions of business change constantly is nothing new. What is new, however, is that a variety of streams are now overlapping and companies are facing challenges that they have never experienced before. “Globalisation,
the demand for sustainability and digital change, all of which represent a challenge for company owners, can actually also be seen as opportunities”, says Prof. Bernd Bötzel, Honorary Professor at the University of Technology and Business in Berlin. “In Germany especially, demographic change and the increasingly clear change in employees’ values are causing many companies headaches.”
The consequences are growing dissatisfaction and an increasing shortfall in terms of willingness to deliver. As a survey by the corporate consultancy firm Ernst & Young discovered, more than half of employees have lost faith in their employers. The result is withdrawal and lack of engagement. Quality becomes of secondary importance; creativity and ideas dry up. What remains is work-to-rule, and this is the case for 68 per cent of employees according to the latest Gallup study from 2016. These are not conditions that foster success and long-term competitiveness.

Companies and their managers who have learned to think outside of the box and see potential in their employees, will experience completely the opposite. They are highly attractive and employees are happy to go the extra mile. They see themselves as part of a valuable community.
The IPM experts will instruct your employees on how best to work with the printing press. Informed employees are motivated and are happy to take on challenging tasks themselves. Approaching employees, bringing them on board and motivating them, is arguably one of IPM’s greatest strengths.
IPM’s experts are proven practitioners who have worked in these areas themselves. They speak to your employees on an equal basis and are aware of their sensitivities.
They do not provide instructions, but instead offer very clear explanations of why one process is more sustainable with a different way of working, for example, and teach your employees how best to use the machines. With training from IPM and production assistance, you give your team confidence.
If you notice that, somewhere in your production process, you are not achieving what you had anticipated or expected, then you should make use of the IPM production assistance service. Too much paper waste should ring alarm bells in every case.
With simple products, this waste should not exceed 150 to 200 sheets. The same goes for long setup times. To remain competitive, printshops need to be able to respond quickly. If you notice that your speed is lagging behind the competition, then the time has come to take a closer look at your production processes.
With the IPM training and production assistance service, you can achieve new top marks in terms of speed and quality.
What benefits are there for the company?
Instruction and trainings
in print industry
The cooperation and the approach of the Print Performace Plus concept explained in detail